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Tree Delivery At Your Service

What To Expect When Ordering Trees

  • Order Processing: As soon as we receive your order and the deposit, we begin organizing the delivery.

  • Variety of Delivery Vehicles: We select the appropriate vehicle based on the tree's size. Smaller trees are transported in enclosed trailers for maximum protection, while larger trees are moved using flatbed trucks, covered with protective screens to defend against wind and sun.

  • Specialized Transportation: Our enclosed trailers provide a secure and stable environment for smaller trees. For larger trees, the flatbed trucks' screens effectively reduce exposure to potentially harmful elements.

  • Guaranteed Delivery Time: We commit to delivering your trees within a maximum of 10 business days, ensuring a swift and efficient service.

  • Commitment to Tree Welfare: Throughout the delivery process, the health and safety of the trees are our top priority.

  • Expert Handling: Our team, skilled in tree transportation, ensures that every tree arrives in optimal condition, prepared to thrive in its new location.

  • Exclusive Availability: Due to high demand and seasonal limitations, certain trees are available in limited quantities. We recommend contacting us promptly to secure your desired trees and meet your specific needs.

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